ktichen remodelThinking about taking the plunge? The kitchen with adjoining rooms is often where most of the family time is spent. To help you move from thinking to doing we offer these reasons on why remodel a kitchen.

1.  You Spend a Lot of Time in the Kitchen!

Just think about your average day.  How much time do you spend in the kitchen?  You wake up and go to the Kitchen for coffee and breakfast.  You might make a lunch to take with you to work. When you come home at the end of the day you head to the kitchen for a snack or to start making dinner. On the weekends you prepare a lunch and maybe read the weekend paper.

You get the idea.  As the most functional part of your home it’s the spot that you do a whole lot of living in (maybe they should switch and call it the living room!)

So if you’re going to start and end your day there (and maybe grab a midnight snack from time to time too) it’s worth investing to get it looking just the way you want.  Getting in that newly renovated kitchen every day will put a smile on your face.  Why not start and end your day in a space that is designed to look just the way you want.

2.  Functionality in a Kitchen is Key

nelson construction Remodel As I said, the kitchen is the most functional part of your house.  It has the most appliances, the most tools, the most gadgets.  It’s where you make your meals.  In short, it has to WORK.

A properly designed and laid out kitchen can smooth your work load and streamline your food prep process.

Do you find that you are going all over the kitchen when you try to make something and getting mess everywhere?  Do you have a spot in the kitchen that always gets cluttered?  Once you’ve prepared something is there a place to put it down while you work on the next thing?

Kitchen design is a bit of an art. Best is to get it done by a professional – they will make the most of the available space can smooth out these little problems and it WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER.  Who couldn’t use things running a little smoother around the house?

3.  The Kitchen Sells the House

While you may want that to enjoy that perfect kitchen forever, you may also think of selling your home one day.  And when you do, you will discover that it is really the kitchen that sells people on the house.

kitchen remodel
I once had a car salesman tell me that the cup holders sell the car.  He said that whenever someone gets into a new car for a test drive the first thing they check is the cup holder.  The cars with the fancier cup holders sell better.  (Have you noticed how fancy the cup holders are in new cars?  Some of them look like they were designed by NASA!)

It’s kind of the same thing with the kitchen.  It just seems like a functional sort of space for doing the daily task of making food, but it is really the heart and soul of the home.  It’s where the family gets together and share meals.  Ever heard the expression “Home and hearth”? Well the hearth used to be the fireplace where the cooking was done.  And I’m sure you’ve been to a party before and noticed that everyone seems to end up in the kitchen. People just seem to gravitate there!Remodel Your Kitchen 

So when someone is looking for a new home they always take special notice of the kitchen.  Just ask a real estate agent!  If there were two similar homes in the same area and one had a nicely designed kitchen, maybe with a tile backsplash and a serving island, that home would sell way before the one with the dingy linoleum and out-of-date cabinets.

So you can get the beautiful , functional kitchen you’ve been dreaming of and it will pay off in the long run when you decide it’s time to sell.

Greg Nelson
Certified Building Contractor, Artist, Husband and FatherGreg Nelson is the owner of Nelson Construction & Renovations Inc. He is a Florida State Certified Building Contractor, creating artistry in all areas of design and construction projects. He is a musician, and artist. A husband and father, Greg appreciates all the wonderful elements of family life.

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